Thursday, March 11, 2010


The Surgeon General has just announced another finding...The Blues/Rock music performed by ...the band JOYBONE could be considered contagious.

Symptoms may also include one or more of the following: perspiration, dry mouth, head weaving or bobbing, tapping of the feet, snapping of the fingers, erotic wiggling, constant smiling and laughter is not uncommon.

A study from a local university shows a direct connection. Those that have listened many times had no hearing loss, but did become highly stimulated. Doctors say that “...more testing is needed...” Those exposed directly also seemed to have a slight weight reduction. The music generated causes physical exertion, in the form of what is commonly known as dancing. Doctors went on to say, “Those with weak hearts could also participate, if done in moderation”.

It was previously thought that JOYBONE was habit forming but, there has been no medical evidence of any connection proven. Click on the word JOYBONE to find out for yourself.

You will be kept updated as more information becomes available, but you don’t need a brain surgeon’s opinion to know that “Everyone else’s music is only skin deep, theirs goes all the way to your JOYBONE!"

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